Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de thaw

to thawdescongelar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I thawyo descongelo
you thawtú descongelas
he thawsél descongela
she thawsella descongela
we thawnosotros descongelamos
you thawvosotros descongeláis
they thawellos descongelan
they thawellas descongelan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I thawedyo descongelé
you thawedtú descongelaste
he thawedél descongeló
she thawedella descongeló
we thawednosotros descongelamos
you thawedvosotros descongelasteis
they thawedellos descongelaron
they thawedellas descongelaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have thawedyo he descongelado
you have thawedtú has descongelado
he has thawedél ha descongelado
she has thawedella ha descongelado
we have thawednosotros hemos descongelado
you have thawedvosotros habéis descongelado
they have thawedellos han descongelado
they have thawedellas han descongelado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had thawedyo había descongelado
you had thawedtú habías descongelado
he had thawedél había descongelado
she had thawedella había descongelado
we had thawednosotros habíamos descongelado
you had thawedvosotros habíais descongelado
they had thawedellos habían descongelado
they had thawedellas habían descongelado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will thawyo descongelaré
you will thawtú descongelarás
he will thawél descongelará
she will thawella descongelará
we will thawnosotros descongelaremos
you will thawvosotros descongelaréis
they will thawellos descongelarán
they will thawellas descongelarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have thawedyo habré descongelado
you will have thawedtú habrás descongelado
he will have thawedél habrá descongelado
she will have thawedella habrá descongelado
we will have thawednosotros habremos descongelado
you will have thawedvosotros habréis descongelado
they will have thawedellos habrán descongelado
they will have thawedellas habrán descongelado

I would thawyo descongelaría
you would thawtú descongelarías
he would thawél descongelaría
she would thawella descongelaría
we would thawnosotros descongelaríamos
you would thawvosotros descongelaríais
they would thawellos descongelarían
they would thawellas descongelarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have thawedyo habría descongelado
you would have thawedtú habrías descongelado
he would have thawedél habría descongelado
she would have thawedella habría descongelado
we would have thawednosotros habríamos descongelado
you would have thawedvosotros habríais descongelado
they would have thawedellos habrían descongelado
they would have thawedellas habrían descongelado

Participio presenteAnotado
thawing descongelando

Participio pasadoAnotado
thawed descongelado

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